The European Molecular Liquids Group (EMLG) and the Japanese Molecular Liquids Group (JMLG) are interdisciplinary groups covering the molecular aspects of fluids in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The European group was founded in 1982 and was joined by the Japanese group in 1996.  
Annual meetings have been organized since 1982 in different countries with varying focus in order to cooperate internationally and to coordinate activities in this field. Traditionally, a special issue of the Journal of Molecular Liquids covers the scientific contributions to the meetings. 

The EMLG/JMLG (European/Japanese Molecular Liquids Group) annual meeting 2012 is held at the Eszterházy Károly College, Eger, Hungary.   It is aimed to present the most recent experimental methods, theoretical approaches and simulations leading to better understanding of the association of molecular systems both in bulk fluid phases and at fluid interfaces.   


The topic of the 2012 EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting are:

The conference is organized in cooperation with: